Thursday, April 12, 2007

The new site is up and running! Check it out and let me know what you think...

New Blog

A blog overhaul will happen very soon! I have wanted to change it forever since I have hated the name jrleereveal the entire time I have had this thing; however, I wasn't left many options since I share the same name with the majority of the Far East.

As a result, we changed it up and the new site will be up and running within the next day or so. Jon Kenney is the man! More to come about he and his family at some point tomorrow.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Hamster Ball?

We went to a Grizzlies game tonight at the Forum. When we walked through the doors some guys ask us if Todd and I want to take part in the night's entertainment on the court. We can't pass up an experience like that so of course we said yes.

They took us courtside and explained that we would be racing across the court in a giant hamster ball. When halftime finally rolled around we took our places to get ready for the first TV timeout of the 2nd half.

Then it happened. The race began. Me vs. Todd in front of thousands of mildly amused fans. Our main goal was to not fall on our faces in front of the fans, the players, the cheerleaders, and well - pretty much anyone.

I ended up winning the race by a few feet primarily because Todd's hair was sticking straight up because of all the static and it must have slowed him down. Very interesting night to say the least.

Pretty embarassing - but a lot of fun. I don't know hardly anyone who can say they ran across the floor at the Fedex Forum inside a giant hamster ball. Todd and I have and we will be signing autographs for a small fee. See ya then.

Bed Time

Devin and the girls are in Atlanta hanging out with family, looking for houses, and getting ready for her cousin Lisa's wedding.

Since Devin is gone and I hate making up beds - I have decided to sleep on top of the comforter. Greatest decision ever. I just get another blanket to cover up with and go to sleep. When I wake up in the morning - I throw the other blanket under the bed and I am good to go.

Sheets are least for the next week.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Easter thoughts...

Tons of thoughts running through my mind about Easter this morning...

Nothing is more significant than what happened on this day. Nothing.

Easter services for me will never be the same again...Moving from Student Pastor to Lead Pastor of a church plant will change perspective drastically.

I am pumped about hearing what God does today across the country.

I have been praying for several people by name - for their services today.

Jesus is freaking alive! Celebrate!

I love all the food on Easter.

I love hanging out with friends on Easter.

I love seeing life-change on Easter.

Easter - Have a great one!

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Team Bushwack...

Todd and I are running in a race this Saturday called the Bunny Run.

It makes me laugh just thinking about the shirt that we will recieve and the fact that we will be running for Team Bushwack. Can't beat that.

Practice run today to start getting ready for the Peachtree Road Race on July 4th.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

The past couple of weeks have been pretty intense. It is really strange to have to deal with the many emotions that flood your mind in a time like this.

Excitement about the future as we launch Freedom Church...
Anticipation about what God has in store...
Sadness about leaving people you love...
Stress about the 324,000 details that need to come together...
Living on standby knowing that at any moment a realtor could call your house wanting to do a showing and you immediately need to leave for about an hour...
The list really goes on and on...

I love it. I hate it. I am excited. I am scared. I trust. I doubt. All in all, God has great plans and He has chosen us. Let the adventure begin!

Monday, April 02, 2007

Gators, Buckeyes, and blah, blah, blah...

The National Championship is almost a worst case scenario as far as I am concerned. The only thing that could make it worse would be for Carolina to be playing Florida. For tonight and tonight only - I am the biggest Ohio State fan on the planet.

Let's go Buckeyes!

The real game that matters tonight is the soccer game that will take place after the game. You can't beat late night indoor soccer!